Monday, February 22, 2010

How not to write a thesis Part II

So here we are...2weeks before Spring Break, 3 weeks before a full draft is due to the Grad School...and well I am writing. I have FINALLY figured out a way to organize myself, but there are still issues. I am a walking library because I can't get it together and I am to nervous to leave the house without every book relating to my thesis in case I get inspired to use a different quote other than the one I think I wanted.

I have 8 pages. Eight Pages that when I get them back I fully expect to be marked up to kingdom come. But I have 8pgs that I am happy with even if the committee is not. I know they are not thesis material yet, but they will be and so will I.

So off I go, to finish chapter 1 and begin Chapter 2 (which I think will be really good) and hope to hear from potential committee members.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I stumbled on this website earlier this year when a friend posted something about it in a comment on my facebook page. Fifty Two books in fifty two weeks. As an English major I bemoan the lack of reading in my own life so I was so stoked to see this. I thought I would give it a try and see how many I can read. I will not count books toward my thesis on this so there maybe a few weeks where this little blog is silent, but I think it will also be a good way to keep up with blog posting.

So here are books 1-3

Percy Jackson and the Olympians : The Lightning Thief
The Sea of Monsters
The Curse of the Titan

I confess these are young adult books, (more preteen) but they are fun retellings of the Greek myths and the imagination the author has to put Hades in L.A. and Olympus at the top of the Chrysler bldg in NYC is brilliant.

I am a bit behind those already started, but there is no rush. I have an entire spring and summer after my thesis to read read read and let me tell you there will be much reading, (mostly anything NOT having to do with infanticidal women) after said thesis is finished.

And for those about to ask, the thesis is coming...very very very slowly.